Previs 2/2
By Team on November, 2013.
The previs is complete ! Lot of things have been improved : proper cut between shots, position of Vectors in the frame, timing, etc. (more…)
By Team on November, 2013.
The previs is complete ! Lot of things have been improved : proper cut between shots, position of Vectors in the frame, timing, etc. (more…)
November 2013. The Vector Hero model is complete and rigged. Animators can begin their work, relying on timing, cameras and scenes used in the previs. The Vector Villain model is also in work in progress and should soon be ready so that all the spaceships shots will be ready for animation!
The project suffers from a slight delay on what was expected, but nothing to worry about. Things are progressing well, almost as fast as on a commercial project. We were very lucky that most of the artists were not booked on freelance projects. (more…)
By Team on November, 2013.
Animation process for the Shot 110 from previs to finished animation.
By Team on November, 2013.
Animation process for the Shot 160 from previs to finished animation.
By Team on November, 2013.
Animation process for the Shot 170 from previs to finished animation.
By Team on November, 2013.
Quick overpaint of the cockpit in order to properly prepare the mapping & shading work.
By Team on November, 2013.
Animation process for the Shot 180 from previs to finished animation.