Shading Vector Hero 1/2

By Team on December, 2013.
Work In Progress images of the Vector Hero being mapped and shaded.


Modeling Shot 110

By Team on December, 2013.
Environment modeling for the shot 110. We kept in mind the model of the game while standardizing objects’ details and cleaning geometry. Another layer of small details will be added later.


[Story] Christmas Brake

In late December 2013, the progression is good. In addition to the work in progress, the Vector Hero & Villain are about to be fully completed in mapping and shading. Moreover, the animation is completed at 40%. Holding the delivery date around February/March seems still conceivable if production speed is steady.

But here is the big news : ultimately, the game release is scheduled for the last week of January 2014. This leaves us a month less than what we thought. It was obvious that it would be impossible to meet the deadline… But we were not demoralized ! (more…)